1. You have to have light in the eyes! Photographers can use all kinds of light to light up your eyes, natural light, studio lights, reflectors, etc. But, If you have black holes for eyes, it's not a good headshot.
2. You want to also have LIFE in the eyes and face. No blank stares please. Your photographer is responsible for bringing your personality to life in your face. You can watch videos about "smizing" or smiling with your eyes. It's all in the eyebrows. Think like a soap opera star . . . right before they cut to a commercial, they always hold this devious pose!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!
3. You want a connection between the camera and your eyes. This is the photographer's responsibility of your photographer also.Â
4.  Have emotion in your face. Photographers have tons of skills for evoking emotion in photography. The more you connect with the camera, the more that emotion comes through in the finished images.
5. Photographers need a vision for your headshot and need to be able to do it quickly. The vision can come from your purpose in the headshot, what it will be used for etc.Â
6. Keep your clothing simple. You can match your eye color to your shirt and ask your photographer to match the background. Or, you can use your hair color as a guide for clothing and background. Your photographer can help you decide what works best.Â
7. Be yourself and have fun!Â